Horizontal Bouquet

The garden has much to teach us. Step outside and be quiet. What do you hear? Stop and look at one thing for an extended period of time. What do you see? The layers of complexity in the garden are stunning. Yet the garden provides us with a sense of peace. There is harmony in the growth, the cycles; life and death.

Yesterday, my daughter and I decided to make bouquets with items found in our garden. It was a delight watching her develop as sense of balance in her floral composition. She took the time to consider her colors and her shapes within her arrangement. When we were finished, we unveiled our bouquets to each other. There was happiness in that moment. It was sunny, the lilacs smelled divine and our joy of creating was evident.

Today, I decided it would be fun to display our bouquets in a different arrangement. This, I considered, would allow us to more thoroughly examine our plants. We could see the various color changes, the different shapes, textures and nuances each plant had to offer.

Making a Horizontal Bouquet is super fun too! Let's have a go!


*Nature bits- Anything you can find!





1. Decide how long you would like the Horizontal Bouquet to be. Double the length, (keeping one of the strings slightly longer than the other) cut it and tie the ends to create a loop for easy hanging.

2. Using clothespins, begin to layer the string with nature bits.

3. Continue until you have created the Horizontal Bouquet of your dreams! Enjoy!

#nature #naturecrafts #spring #spingtime