Pressed Flower Seashells

Updated: Sep 21, 2020

Both shells and flowers are stunning in their own right. But together? A portal to fairies and rainbows opens! We used decoupage to create these seashells designs, and it turned out really lovely! In fact, the process is quite addictive. Decoupage is by no means a new technique. By some accounts, decoupage dates back to the 12th century China. The process of decoupage has most notably used paper cutouts. (Check out these stunners from Mary Delany.)

We chose to decoupage pressed flowers on our clam shells. Clam shells make a lovely background with the muted white, light brown and grey tones. Clam shells can be really large too! Because of the size and relative flat surface, they provide a fantastic canvas for intricate deigns floral designs.


Clam shells

Pressed flowers

Mod Podge

Larger paint brushes


1. Lay out your pressed flowers on clean clam shells. (Find a tutorial for pressing flowers here) Create a design you like.

2. Use your paint brush to apply a layer of Mod Podge to your shell. Arrange your flowers. Press the entire flower or leaf on the shell, ensuring that each side is fully sealed to the shell.

3. Apply another layer to the top of your design. Let it dry.

And that's it! Arrange your shells and take lots of pictures! Place your shells on the coffee table and admire for evermore. Have the best day!

Mary Alice xx