Giant Leaf Masks
As it turns out, leaves make great animals faces! And when they are bigger than your head, it only makes sense to make masks!
Look at the size of that leaf!
We found these leaves while taking a stroll through the local park. My kids and I were taken aback by the shear size of these mumbo jumbos. We immediately stuffed my purse full of them.
After a bit of research, we determined these leaves to be of the American Tulip varietal. Read more about that here.
Ready to make your own giant leaf mask? Just use whatever leaves you can find!
*Giant leaves
*Other leaves for accents
*Thin cardboard like a cereal box
1. Begin by applying a layer of Mod Podge to black construction paper. Press the giant leaves onto the paper. Let dry for a bit.
2. Cut around the leaves and repeat the process with a thin cardboard cereal box. Cut the leaves out from the box when the leaves have dried. You will now have three layers.
3. Use the other leaves (and stems!) you have gathered to create the features of the animals. We felt that the smaller of the large leaves looked like cats and the larger resembled an owl. Use your imagination here!
4.Use Mod Podge or white glue to apply the features. When you are done, apply a thin coat of Mod Podge to the entire top of the mask.
5. Insert a skewer in between the layers behind the leaf. Apply hot glue inside the layers and along the stem. Place skewer and stem together until secure.
6. Once everything has dried, use the xacto knife to cut holes for your eyes.
And now it's time to PLAY!!