Swan Lake Cookies
It's highly likely I cannot properly express my level of excitement for these. Is it because my son was up screaming repeatably through the night? Yes. But the point is, I'm kinda tripping over myself trying to get this idea out in to the Interwebworld. Bear with me folks. My kids are still quite young and they have me quite tired.
Nevertheless. (She persisted.)
I can picture these beauties hanging out on a gorgeously decorated party table for a young Princess-In-Training. (PIT. Haha.) In other words, my daughter has demanded them for her birthday. I've got less than one month to pull that all together. Swan Lake Cookies, I'm coming for you!
Let's get on with it, shall we?
*White icing (I recommend buying it as you have plenty of things to do here and you don't need much. One container will be plenty.)
* One tube of white glitter gel icing
*Rainbow sprinkles
*Parchment paper
*Half cookie sheet
*Blue jolly ranchers
*Ingredients from this recipe
1. Make sugar cookies according to this recipe.
Prior to baking, cut out cookies into a swan shape. Bake according to recipe.
2. Let cookies cool completely.
3. Place three blue jolly ranchers together on a parchment paper covered cookie sheet. to make a single "lake". Bake at 400 degree Fahrenheit for about 6 minutes or until melted. Set aside until fully cooled.
Note the purple Jolly Rancher. We ran out of blue. In order to make the purple work we needed to swirl it together after baking and while still in the liquid stage. I realized after doing that, it would have been much easier to smash the candies and mix before baking.*
*Ahem, TIRED.
4. Make the crowns by melting Wilton Orange Candy Melts to manufacturer's recommendation. To make five or six swans crowns you only need about 5 candy melts.
5. Place melted candy into a piping bag with a tiny tip or use a plastic sandwich bag and cut a very small opening. Squirt about a half inch rectangular shape on parchment paper. Place a coordinating long sprinkle piece on either side of the melted candy. Place a few more pieces on the middle section of the melted candy. Place round sprinkles at the top. Push the outside bottom sprinkles in to form a crown shape. REPEAT until you have made enough crowns. Let harden.
6. Ice the cookies with the white icing. Add the white gel to the wing portion. It will add volume and sheen. Apply a purple sprinkle for the eye. Apply a dab of icing to the back of the crowns and apply to the swans. Put swans in the refrigerator to set up the icing.
7. Apply swans to the lakes. Do so by applying a good bit of icing to the bottom of the swan and slightly to the back. Press down onto the lake. If it feels wobbly, prop it with an object. We used a sippy cup lid! At this point you can smooth the icing in the front with the back of a small spoon.
8. Put cookies in fridge for a bit of time, 30 minutes or so. Then... let the OOOHHS and AHHHS of the party commence!
I so hope you enjoyed this idea and this tutorial! Drop a message below!