Frozen Garland
It has been 5 degrees Fahrenheit here. 5 degrees Fahrenheit for extended periods of time. And, I love it. I absolutely adore winter. The land is still. There is something about the stillness that moves me. It refreshes me and makes me think.
Meanwhile, on the inside of the house, the kids are busily moving about. As long as they are not fighting, everything is copacetic. Amiright?

Let's assume now that the kids are fighting (shudder) and you want to distract them. This is a super easy craft that involves minimal amounts of materials and very little time to to create. (Aside from the time it takes to freeze, mind you!)
I was inspired to create this craft from the Ice Ornaments made by Maggy at Red Ted Art. Maggy makes really fun crafts that are very kid friendly! She has quite the arsenal of ideas! Definitely go check out Red Ted Art!
This Frozen Garland is meant to triple as a beautiful garland, fun craft and food for the birds! Fun for everyone!
Let's get started, shall we?
*Fresh cranberries
*Ice tray
*Food processor
*Bird food, apples, oranges (optional)
*Fresh evergreen pieces
1. Place half bag of cranberries into food processor. Add 1/4 cup water. Puree.

2. Pour mixture into ice trays. Add bird seed, if desired.
3. Place a portion of one long uncut piece of twine into each cube of the tray. Do not cut the twine. Leave about a 8 inches on the ends of the twine to attach to branches or fence post outside. Or add end pieces after the fact.
4. Place pieces of evergreen into the cubes.

5. Let freeze overnight.
6. Pop it out and hang it up outside! Watch the birds chip away at the beautiful garland!