Avocados are the new donuts. They are incredibly delicious, and versatile. Just think of all the cute things made either from avocados or in the classic shape of an avocado. I'd say it's high time we erect a veritable shrine to the avocado; effectively thanking it for its nutritive value and highly adorable form.
While we haven't taken our avocado love quite that far (and we very well might), we have had some fine motor and some creative fun while making our Avoca-Doughs! This one is super easy too!

Oh Creative Day's Avocado Boats! They look like great fun!One of your life's most complicated dilemmas has now been solved: Avoca-Doughs from leftover avocado skins! Now you know. You can also check out
*Clean and dry avocado skins
*Yellow play dough
*Lime green play dough
*Brown play dough
*Food coloring in green, yellow and brown
1. Wash out your avocado skins thoroughly and let dry on the counter for at least a day or in the oven on 225 degrees Fahrenheit for about 50 minutes. It may take a bit longer. The skins should be completely dry.

2. Make or grab your play dough. We used this recipe. Divide play dough into three different balls. Use food coloring to create brown, lime green and yellow balls.
3. Set out the play dough and the skins for the kiddos to create! (Sprinkle a little bit of flour into the skins if you find the play dough is sticking.) Or make some yourself because it's fun! Better yet, do it together and compare results! :) We mixed a little bit of yellow into the green to create a more realistic Avoca-Dough!

Have fun fellow Avoca-Dough lovers!