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Collected Stick Wreath

Here at the HQ, we thoroughly enjoy a good collaborative family effort. From cleaning to making, I enlist the children as much as possible. HOWEVER. There are times that I simply want to create alone. I want to let my mind rest, allow myself the freedom from instruction and just explore a project single handedly. That is precisely what I did with this piece.

Creating a piece like this does not require much skill or talent. And that is great. This is more of a therapeutic piece. Sit; Alone. Grab your cup of coffee, sticks and paint and just go for it. I'm convinced this would look good no matter what you do to it. Simply add lines, dots, or triangles. Try using small objects from around your house to stamp on the sticks! This is a time to create without the idea of perfection. Take the time you need, mama. Enjoy the process of creating something homemade!



*Acrylic paint in your favorite colors plus white

*Paint brushes

*Corrugated cardboard

*Hot glue/gun

*Pipe cleaner


1. Paint all of your sticks white. Allow to dry.

2. Grab your favorite paint, newly whitened sticks, brushes and caffeine of choice. Put your favorite music on. (No, not the news!)

3. Begin mark making on your sticks. Make it simple. Paint lines. Use the end of your paint brush to create dots! You can also use things like small dowels to create dots. Find objects around your house to stamp with! Allow all of the paint to dry.

5. Once the sticks have dried, lay them out in your desired arrangement. Consider how close you want the end of the sticks to be in the center or how large you want the center circle to be.

6. Cut out a piece of cardboard the size of the center of your wreath PLUS 2.5 inches or so. You need ample space on the cardboard to clue down the sticks. Without enough overhang, the sticks will not be stable.

7. Paint the cardboard in your desired color. We chose yellow because it's the best color ever! Allow to dry.

6. Glue sticks to the cardboard in your desired arrangement.

To hang your beautiful Collected Stick Wreath:

1. Slide a pipe cleaner through the center of the corrugated cardboard in the upper third of the circle.

2. Pull each side up through the back of the cardboard. You want the ends of the pipe cleaner to overlap enough to twist and close.

Hang your beautiful piece! Sit back and enjoy the time you were able to take for yourself, mama! You deserve to relax. You deserve to de-stress.

ALTERNATELY! Grab those kiddos and make this a collaborative family project! I have no doubt that radness would ensue! Tag #brainybeginningsnetwork if you try this or any other project! Take good care, good people of the world!


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