Halloween Expression

Not only are the leaves a glorious sight to behold here in the Northeast but the crispness in the air, and extreme pumpkin sightings, can only mean one thing: Halloween. Halloween is such a nostalgic time. It brings back fond memories of running from house to house in some obscure costume that I could barely hold up while generally freezing. And, I loved it.


I can almost feel my teeth crying.

Nowadays Halloween has taken on a new meaning. After kids, hasn't everything though? Halloween is all about freedom of expression. The rules of decorum seem to change a bit. People are less apt to judge someone harshly for making abstract and odd creations around Halloween. In fact, people seem to even desire that during this time of the year. Isn't that just great?


It is!

Let's look at a few ways to express ourselves during the Halloween season.

1. Make a Jack-O-Lantern Bird feeder!

Let the kiddos design any type of face they want! They can go happy, sad, crazy with it! There is so much potential here for expression. This also opens the door for a discussion on feelings and how we represent our feelings in the faces we make. Find the tutorial here.

2. Salt Dough Sugar Skulls

There is endless potential for expression with these Salt dough skulls. Pick some flowers, leaves, pine cone scales, twigs, you name it and let the kids make patterns on the face. They can design these in anyway they see fit. Remember it is all about freedom of expression! Try not to have a predetermined idea of what is right here. Let the kids have the lead. Find the tutorial here.

3. Kusama Inspired Pumpkins

These pumpkins are perfect for introducing a new artist and inspiring dotty, spotty fun. There are no rules when it comes to putting dots on something. The kiddos should be free to express themselves while learning! WIN! Find the tutorial here.

4. The Monster Hand Experiment

The monster hand is less art and more science. But let me be the first to tell you about the fairly extreme verbal expression this old vinegar and baking soda trick elicits. I'm talking screams of wonder! It's delightful. The remaining solution makes a great makeshift paint too. The kiddos enjoyed finger painting with the green foamy solution. It was quite a sight to behold. More info on this experiment here.

We can't forget the costumes! Costumes are a huge way to express yourself during Halloween. Here are my kiddos:

They are the Q T Pies. Hehe.

Here we are as a family:

My hubbs and I are the fork and the spoon. You know, cause we eat those QT Pies up! More hehehe is appropriate here.

I hope you can find time to foster expression in your kids and for yourself! It is so important. But also remember that Halloween is actually a great opportunity to teach your kids that freedom of expression is not limited to Halloween. You can flex your creative muscle all year round. You can dress up in costume, make funky things and have fun whenever the urge should hit. Or at least, this is what I'll attempt to teach my children.

Have a wonderful and safe Halloween friends!

#Halloween #crafts #food