8 Unique Ideas for Cardboard
Your imagination is the only limiting factor with cardboard, in my opinion. (And even then, there's always Pinterest - what a time to be alive!) Here at the Brainy Beginnings HQ, our love affair with cardboard has only just begun. I've been playing around with cardboard for years but it's only lately that I seem to have amassed an absurd amount of it.
It's likely telling of my dangerous Amazon habit. I feel if I am to fall, er remain down the Amazon Prime rabbit hole, the least I can do is turn the cardboard waste into something fun for myself (ahem... the kids).
And so it is... 8 unique cardboard ideas for you!
1. Cactus Side Table

This side table is something we are really proud of here at the Brainy Beginnings HQ. In fact, we will be selling the plans for this table in our Etsy shop soon! Stay tuned!
2. Cozy Sweaters
These little yarn wrapped sweaters are super fun to make and great fine motor practice! They make a fine accompaniment to the book, The Princess and the Pony by Kate Beaton. Have you read that?
3. Camel (That's right, a camel)
This is Herman. He's our bud. He hangs out in the living room. The kids sit on him pretty regularly and, I'm fairly certain, he loves it. Find the tutorial here.
4. Magic Carpets

These carpets are currently the most popular thing on the site! I think it may be because they are so easy and really quite versatile. Find the tutorial here.

I've decided making cardboard plants is a great way to keep my self esteem intact. They don't die when forgotten about and that feels pretty good, ya know? Find the tutorial here.
6. Cityscape

Before! (Plus Herman. Bless him.)

The kids had SO MUCH fun going nuts on this. I let them loose with Kwik Sticks (have you tried those?) and they went nuts! I left this hanging in my dining room for a month. I don't have a tutorial for this but basically, I just cut various skyscraper shapes and taped them to the wall with Duct tape. It was a hit!
7. Cat in the Hat Growth Chart

This is a fun way to measure the kiddos. We made it for Dr. Seuss's birthday celebration. Find the tutorial here.
8. Mini Vases

We made these for Red Ted Art! They are a fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Head over to her site for the details!
I hope you have enjoyed this list! Check out Brainy Beginnings Network for more inspiration! Don't forget to sign up for our email! Be in the CRAFTY KNOW!